Politica de expediere

We are aware of how important it is for you to be informed about the shipping time of your purchases. Please read the following information carefully to understand and to be fully informed about our shipping policy. This Shipping Policy outlines the terms and conditions related to the shipment of products purchased from our online store.

Handling Time: 

Handling time will take 0-1 days from Monday to Saturday.

Transit Time:

The transit time will take between 1-2 days.

Shipping Methods & Delivery Times:

The total shipping time will take between 1-3 business days.

Order Cut Off:

Order cut off is 10:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Shipping Rates:

All of our products have free delivery everywhere in the UK, making your shopping experience even smoother.

Order Tracking:

Once your order has been placed, your tracking number will be sent to your email or phone number where you completed the purchase with us within the first 12 hours.

Contact Us

E-mail: info@speedydeals.co.uk / speeedydeals12@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +447474414644

Or via our chat assistant located at the bottom right of each page. Thank you!