Politica de rambursare
At Speedy Deals, we understand that sometimes your desired product might not meet your expectations or arrive in perfect condition, but your satisfaction is our top priority. Therefore, our Returns & Refunds Policy offers you a 30 day window to change your mind and to ask for the full amount of money back guaranteed by us.
Returns Eligibility
For any items purchased from Speedy Deals to be eligible for a return and refund, the respective item has to be in the same condition as when it was purchased, however minor defects are acceptable.
The return has to be made 30 days after you have received the item for a full refund. The cost of the return is either free or we cover all the costs for the return delivery.
How to Initiate a Return?
a). First of all, please do contact our customer support team on the "Contact Us" page at this email address info@speedydeals.co.uk / speeedydeals12.gmail.com or on WhatsApp number: +447474414644
b). Once you choose your desired way of contact we will need your order number, reason for refund, and at least one relevant picture.
c). It will take a maximum of 24 hours for your case to be reviewed.
Once we receive your returned item and our team does all the checks they need, we will initiate a full refund for you, which usually takes 4 business days to arrive in your bank account.
Please note that for any item you return the shipping is either free or we pay for it, so you do not need to worry.